10 Simple Ways You Can Keep Watersheds Clean


Bryan Appleby/istockphotoBryan Appleby/istockphotoDCL

Making sure that the water goes unpolluted is tantamount to water conservation. You may be saving six gallons of water a day, but if you’re polluting ten gallons of water a day, then you’re really not saving anything.

Most of us don’t own factories that pump sludge and goop into rivers and forests, so it is possible that many of us may not be aware that our actions can damage local watersheds. Actions like flushing a cigarette down the toilet or using toxic fertilizers can really mess up our water supply. It’s important to keep our water clean. As the population grows, freshwater will become scarce, and clean freshwater may be harder to find.

How to Protect Your Watershed

2. Conserve water. The more water we have, the less it will matter when a pollutant enters it. If we have very little water and it becomes polluted, we are out of luck. But if we have a lot of water, we have some room for mistakes.

3. Use eco-friendly cleaning supplies. Some soaps and shampoos aren’t removed from the water when treated. This can disrupt the pH balance of the water. Algae will grow where it’s not supposed to and ruin the water quality.

4. A rain garden can reduce runoff pollution by 99%. Consider growing one on your property.

5. Don’t use toxic fertilizers. There are plenty of organic alternatives to choose from, like garlic for example.

6. Don’t litter. Don’t dump things into streams or lakes or down storm drains. Don’t use soap to wash yourself in lakes.

7. Take the time to dispose of toxic household products properly. Hazardous materials have no place in our landfills. Think about that statement. Landfills are terrible, but these things are too awful for landfills.

8. Keep your septic tank maintained. 9. Wash your car at a car wash instead of doing it at home, unless you use non-toxic biodegradable soap on your car. 10. Report illegal dumping.


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